Make a complaint

We are committed to provide the best services to our customers and we believe that you deserve to be offered them in a manner that is prompt and correct. If there is any situation where our services do not meet your expectations or if you have complaints about the services provided, please get in touch with us using the contact details below:

Colonnade Insurance S.A. Luxembourg - Sucursala Bucuresti

Address: 82-94 Buzesti Street, 10th Floor, District 1, 011017, Bucharest, Romania;
Phone: +4021.300.96.21
Online: By filling in and sending the form below. If you don’t want to fill in the above form, you can download the complaints form here and send it to us via e-mail or post.

Colonnade Insurance S.A. 

Address: 1, rue Jean Piret L-2350 Luxemburg
Phone: +352 28 11 56 200

We will confirm receipt of the complaint within three (3) business days from its receipt. A complaint shall be handled without undue delay, and no later than 30 days from the date of registration. This period may be extended due to objective reasons. In this case, the complainant shall be informed of the expected deadline and of the reasons why the time limit is to be extended within 30 days of the date of registration. We will keep you informed of the progress of the complaint . The complainant is entitled to obtain a comprehensive explanation of Colonnade Insurance’s viewpoint in a clear and comprehensible manner. Colonnade Insurance accumulates and verifies evidence it obtains from complainants, as well as other available evidence and information regarding complaints and proceeds to ascertain the real status and its compliance with applicable law and internal regulations. If necessary, Colonnade Insurance adopts measures to remedy the shortcomings detected and to prevent their future recurrence.

In order to help us to effectively support you, please provide us with the policy number / claim file and the name of the policyholder / insured person. 

You also have the right to address the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF), using the contact details below:

Address: 15 Splaiul Independentei, District 5, Postal Code 050092, Bucharest, Romania
Telverde (Call-Center): 0-8008-25627 *A.S.F. provides specialized assistance to consumers, in the authority's relationship with the public, but petitions cannot be registered
ONLINE Portal: Filing a Petition/Complaint/Report - by creating a user account and filling in the requested identification data:

 Alternative Dispute Resolution

SAL-FIN (Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity in the non-banking financial field)

We would like to inform you that, to the extent that you are not satisfied with the resolution given to your complaint, you have the possibility to address the entity SAL-FIN (Entity for the Alternative Resolution of Disputes in the non-banking financial field), in order to have an alternative resolution of the dispute.

SAL-Fin is a structure established within the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) which allows the consumers to access, free of charge, an alternative mechanism to the judicial system of dispute resolution in the non-banking financial area (SAL). SAL offers the possibility to solve a dispute related to a product or service that you purchased, thus having the possibility to an extra-judicial solving of a litigation arising from the contractual relationship, in case of a refusal or unjustified postponement of the amicable solving of the dispute.

SAL proceedings are optional, voluntarily, separate from the court proceedings and free of charge. The expenses with expert appraisals, translation of documents and other additional evidences required for the dispute resolution shall be borne by the party requesting the same.

SAL-Fin proceedings can be accessed by submitting the dispute online (, as well as in writing, on paper or on another durable medium, as appropriate, ONLY after you have tried to contact us in order to discuss the complaint and you can prove that you have priory tried to settle the dispute directly.

ODR Platform

In case of the insurance contracts concluded online, you have the possibility to access the alternative dispute resolution proceedings through the online dispute resolution platform at European level (ODR):

ODR platform is created by the European Commission in order to allow consumers and traders in EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway to solve the dispute related to products and services purchased online, without addressing the matter to a court of law. ODR platform is not related to any of the traders. You can use it to submit the complaint with an authorized dispute resolution body.

Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA)

You can also request alternative dispute resolution from the Luxembourg supervisory authority, the Commissariat Aux Assurances (CAA) - Résolution extrajudiciaire des litiges - Consommateurs - Commissariat aux Assurances ( You can find more information about alternative dispute resolution offered by the CAA here.

Complaints information

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation No ASF. 24/2014, to ensure transparency in the registration and settlement of petitions by companies Colonnade Insurance S.A. Luxembourg Sucursala Bucuresti, we provide the following information:

Petitions Report

 PREVIOUS YEAR (2023)  REPORTING PERIOD 01.01.2024 – 30.09.2024   


Month 07 2024


Month 08 2024


Month 09 2024

Total number of petitions registered uniquely by petitioner and by case43000
Total number of petitions favorably resolved registered uniquely by petitioner and by case31000
Total number of petitions resolved in favor of petitioner related to claims30000
Total number of petitions for which the claim's indemnification was paid31000
Total number of petitions unfavorable resolved/closed, registered uniquely by petitioner and by case12000

Requests for alternative dispute resolution

 PREVIOUS YEAR (2023)  REPORTING PERIOD 01.01.2024 – 30.09.2024  


Month 07 2024


Month 08 2024


Month 09 2024

Total number of petitions resolved with alternative disputes/resolution00000
Total number of petitions for alternative settlement of disputes, resolved in favour of the insurer.00000
Total number of petitions for alternative settlement of disputes, resolved in favour of the policyholders, contractors, beneficiaries, injured parties, or their representatives00000